Marysville Covered Bridge - Iowa
I read a letter the to Editor today in the Journal Express about Marysville Covered Bridge. While the Fred Yenerall collection doesn't have a photo of the bridge, there is a current one here on the newspaper's website.
It seems that the bridge that was built in 1891 is being neglected. It's in a park where people are unable to get to it, and no one is doing anything to maintain the bridge. It is part of history that no one is doing anything to save it. In fact according to the article, it is not assessable for people to get there.
I agree with Judy Sytsma who wrote this article that the bridge does need attention to preserve it.
Checking out the details of the bridge on the website, It's 15-63-05. 41 feet long and built in 1891. It was moved to this location in 1968.
Check out the article about the bridge then learn the history of this bridge and other bridges at It's a great reference site for all covered bridges.
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