Mail Pouch barn Organization

Mail Pouch Barn - Clearfield County, PA
Tribune Review did an article about mail pouch barns in their newspaper on Sunday August 5th. Here is the link to that article.
It is a story about a Delmont, PA couple that is documenting the history and still finding barns with the advertising Logo still on them. There are barns still standing today in many states, but you have to search to find them.
There is a Mail pouch website, which does have some of the photos from the Fred Yenerall Collection on them. Which were donated to Ohio Barns website.
The Mail-pouch barn website gives many facts, and photos of barns that are still standing as well as the barns that have been removed for modern roads, or have fell down.
Harley Warrick painted a lot of barns, each one by hand. Doing about 2 per day, but in his lifetime he painted over 20,000 barns.
You can still find these barns today, but mostly from old back roads, there aren't very many that are still standing along busy highways anymore, The website shows where the barns are that are still standing, as well as barns that are no longer standing, you can see photos of them also.
You can also see the photos of some of these barns at the main website.
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