
Update for Knetch Covered Bridge Fire

Knecht's Covered bridge, 1967

It's hard to imagine that a firefighter for the community would try to destroy a historic covered bridge by burning it. But that's exactly what happened. 5 people that attempted to burn the bridge. The bridge wasn't the only thing that they burned, they are accused of setting other fires.

Some of the 5 people accused are still in jail awaiting trial, and some will be charged as adults. While the bridge can be repaired, It's still a shame that the respect for these old historical structures mean so little to some people.

So many covered bridges are lost due to arson, which is a senseless act, once a bridge is burnt, it may be rebuilt, but loses some of the historical features that are present. If the bridge is rebuilt it takes many years to raise the money, and get conntractors that are knowledgable enough to bring it back to the original state that the bridge once way.

Hopefully the tough sentances these people will get will deter others from trying to commint the same act on this bridge or any other bridge.


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