
Unidentified bridges now at lostbridges.org

Lostbridges.org has listed some of the FMY Photos on their site that need identified. While Fred did mark them with what he knew about the bridges, they still were unable to be identified. So if you get a chance and want to see if you can identify any bridges, you can go to lostbridges. org.

As he gets the rest of the photos on his website, it will help complete the database he is doing for all bridges in the United States. This is a huge collection that he has been working on, and has been able to fill in alot of gaps of these bridges. Many - actually most of the bridges do have photos so you can see how they looked. It's awesome site, that I frequently use to check the facts on the images that I am working on. He has had information sent to him from many sites, and I trust the information that is on the site. It's the only site that I really found that has all the bridges listed and that you can actually go find the information you need.

Since Fred had alot of old photos that were copied from post cards and cards, newspaper articles, and that I have donated the images to the site so it can be updated with the photos they didn't have. I know that I will never have the time to update everything and maintain a database of that size.

If you are interested in Covered Bridges, and Covered Bridge history, you need to check out the site, any information that he finds about the bridges - trivia, facts, he writes about it on that bridge's page. It's a wealth of information.

As for the new Fred Yenerall Collection Website, I'm making progress. I'm still shooting for the end of September or the end of October. I am leaving the mills and the bridges for last, becuase they're going to be a pain. But I did send a sample out to my sister and she was pleased with the way that it looked. Now when you look a bridge, it will show on one page all the years of that I have photos of. While it is a simple - plain design, it will show everything that I want and will be easier to navigate.


You can now Search the Blog or the main website for Bridges, Mills, and other historical buildings from this one location.
Are you looking for a certain bridge, type it in the search box and see the photos of it.